Friday, November 25, 2011

Nearing Home ( Life, Faith and Finishing Well) by Billy Graham

Mr. Graham states in his preface that this book isn't written just for old people but for people at every stage of life. "The reason", he says, "is that best way to meet the challenges of old age is to prepare for them now, before they arrive."
I chose this book to review because I had in mind giving it as a gift to my parents after I had reviewed it. I thought it would probably not mean as much to me in my mid-40s. I was wrong. This book is relevant to the old but also to the middle-aged, the young married couple, the college student, the high school student...
In this day and time respect and admiration for the aged is not taught , not a part of our culture, not passed down as a way of life for the most part. And our country has suffered because of this. Those who have lived longer have experienced more and have much wisdom and knowledge to share.
As a former social worker with the elderly, I found that the part of my job I enjoyed the most was hearing the stories of life from my clients. I heard of courage, ingenuity, faithfulness, hardships, and hope. We learn from these stories of our ancestors...if we take the time to hear them. I found Mr. Graham's book to be just as if I were sitting across the table from him, sipping tea and listening to his experiences in life with the Lord. His style of writing is very conversational and I felt I had been with a good friend each time I laid the book aside.
I want my teenage son to read this Because if it is read at a young age the impact these words could have on that life are immeasurable. If this generation of teenagers read this book and took it to heart, we would see our country rise to greatness once more in this world. We would see change that made this world a better place to live...and all because of the focus being on the place called heaven and the Savior called Jesus Christ.
If you are not a Christian, but consider yourself open-minded, read this book and test, try and apply the principles for yourself...then make a decision. If you are a Christian, read this book and be filled with hope and courage and inner strength.
As a middle-aged person, I have had questions come up in my heart. Am I on the right path? How can I know I am making the right decisions? How can I move away from a life of fear and confusion and into one of strength and optimism?
Mr. Graham answers these hard questions. Not with theories or suggestions but with truth. This is such a thing as absolute truth. He tells us where to find it.
Some of the topics covered include hope, living with optimism, retirement, finances, planning, pain, dealing with the death of friends and family, relationships with adult children. He also covers fear, depression, physical ailments, grief, grandchildren, leaving a legacy, building a foundation and developing a strong root system to nourish you.
I love how he has filled this book with both the earthly wisdom he has gained and the spiritual wisdom and truth of the Scriptures.
There were portions of this book that were so helpful to me that I copied them by hand into a notebook so that I could re-read and commit them to memory.
I am still giving this book as a gift but I have been the one who received the gift - the gift of the wisdom of life experiences and of a life spent walking with Jesus Christ as shared by Mr. Billy Graham. Such a blessing to read...thank you, Mr. Graham.

1) How can I prepare for the unexpected twists and turns of growing old?
2) Is retirement for me?
3) How can I manage money on a fixed income?
4) How can I hear the voice of the Lord?
5) How can I cope with grief?
6) How can I leave a legacy of faith to others?
7) Why should I build my life on Christ?
8) What is God's will for me?
9) How can I develop a faith strong enough to see me through the uncertainties of life and old age?
10) How do I know Heaven and Hell are real? That there is life after death?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Forever Faithful by Karen Kingsbury

I was ready for some fiction reading but I didn't realize there were three books in one volume when I signed up for this book! When I received it, I thought I would never read it before Christmas. I sat down and started to read. I was caught into the story immediately. Karen Kingsbury is one of the best writers I have read. She really knows how to develop her characters and is not afraid to draw you into their conflicts, their sorrows, their struggles. I felt as if I was reading about friends of my own because the characters were so well portrayed. I finished the first book in one night because I could not put it down. Went on to the second book thinking it could not be as good as the first (that is just how it always is). I was wrong! It was just as good and I finished it in two nights! The last one was even better!
This book is hard to put down. I loved the characters and how they show up in the later volumes as well. Well written. I laughed and cried...some of those gut wrenching sobs that you are embarrassed to have while reading a book. Wonderful writing!!!
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"
If you want to read the first chapter of this book for free, click here. Just be will have to go and buy the book! :)

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