Thursday, March 7, 2013

Upside Down Prayers for Parents

This book was very challenging to read.  As a mother, I want to pray prayers of protection over my children.  Prayers for health, wisdom, drawing closer to the Lord, keeping safe, learning well.  I will continue to pray those prayers for my children.  However, I liked the different angle that the author approached praying for our children.
In some situations I can see praying these upside down prayers.  Hard situations.
The entire book put a different light on praying for your children.  Although some of the prayers I could never bring myself to pray for my children, the message behind each one that she shares is definitely something I could pray.
I could pray for them to know forgiveness and be able to forgive...but I do not think I could pray for them to HAVE to have done something that needed forgiving.  For one thing, I know we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of I don't have to pray that they will! :)
I did think the book was very different from any other parenting devotional book I read, and I think it has much value if taken in the right spirit.

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