Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A Bible to Give!
Also included are sections called Christ through the Bible which are helpful in seeing how Christ is foreshadowed in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament.
Another section is New Life In Christ. These articles help walk you through salvation and discipleship.
There are "He Did This Just For You" verses which show what Jesus did for you.
There are "New Believer Studies" which answer a variety of hard questions new believers may have.
There is a two year reading program to inspire you in your daily readings, a "Where to Turn..." index and 30- day reading program that introduces you to key passages in the New Testament.
Another cool feature of this Bible is that it has a lifetime Guarantee through Thomas Nelson if you go online and register. It is a hardback Bible. The print is easily readable and the notes are not distracting to the Word, but add much in the form of devotionals. I would recommend this highly as a gift to someone who is a new Christian or who is studying the Bible for the first time, as well as to seasoned readers of the Word who enjoy Lucado's brilliant, simple style of writing.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Be Intolerant
We are taught by media, schools, professors, peers, politicians ...that there is no "truth". That everything is subjective. No right or wrong.
Yet, that in itself is a paradox...are we not being told that it is wrong to believe there is no right and wrong?? How could that be if there is no right or wrong??
This book does an excellent job laying it on the line...talking of topics that we should be intolerant of in a loving Christlike way because we love others...not because we want things our way...but because we care enough to want to warn others when a way is filled with danger, despite how politically incorrect we may be perceived as being.
I think this book is an excellent one for high school students and upwards in age to read and discuss ...a youth group would be an excellent forum but a family would be even better. This can also rekindle the flame of standing up for what you believe in, knowing the costs...not to yourself but to others. Highly recommend this one!!!
God Gave Us you!
Not only is the message of love and acceptance and uniqueness made clear in this lovely story...but the artwork is wonderful as well!!
This would be a great gift for a new parent, expectant parent, or just for your child!
Start Here by Alex and Brett Harris
Within a day of completing this book, my son had formulated a plan of how to raise money to help a child in Ethiopia that he and his youth group are sponsoring. He had talked it out, worked it out, prayed about it and taken action. He stepped out in faith. He got up in front of a large group of people and spoke about it (this was a major step for him because he really does not like public speaking at all!). These two young men have started a movement among teens that I hope does not ever stop...one that shows them that you are not too young for the Lord to use you for His glory!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Energize Your Faith!
The subtitle to this book is "What Happens When You Dare to Ask God for the Impossible". The author is a young man who pastors Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC which has been named one of the fastest growing churches in the nation.
The main theme of the book is based on the story of Joshua in the book of Joshua, chapter 10 in the Bible. This is the time when Joshua prayed for the sun to stand still so that the Israelites could defeat their enemy in battle and God did this...He delayed the going down of the sun for about a day. The author doesn't go into the details of the proof that this happened, however, I have read many accounts of a missing amount of time in history and how this would account for that time.
What the author does focus on is the audacious faith of Joshua in asking the Lord to do the impossible. He then develops this theme into reminding us as Christians that we have access to that very same God who is able to do miraculous things, who controls time, who created the sun and the moon and the earth.
I believe the author does a very good job of balancing this subject. It could easily have turned into a "do this and this will happen" type book, or be focused on what we "do" as to how God answers us. Furtick is sure to consistently turn the focus to the Lord and His power and strength and that it is not a "If...Then" type of faith we are to have. But he does bring up some wonderful things to think about, pray about and study as far as understanding the very nature of God and living a life of faith based on that understanding.
This book is very inspirational...but the author says he doesn't want it to stop at being "inspirational". He gives many examples in the Bible and in present day life of faith that has accomplished great things for God. Again, I want to bring to light the fact that he does not make one feel that the reason some of your prayers are not answered is because you do not have enough faith. There are things that we do not understand because we can not see the whole picture as God does, and sometimes our prayers are answered in ways we do not expect, or even do not want. But all is for His glory. I liked the statement he makes that it is not our faith that accomplishes miracles but God's faithfulness. We are only able to have faith because of God's faithfulness to us.
I believe this book can be tender to start a fire of faith in the hearts of believers who have backed down from demonstrating faith in God's ability. I found the writer's style of writing to be modern day language, easy to understand and clear. I will be suggesting this book for reading to many of my church family. Thank you, Pastor Furtick, for being willing to tackle the task of writing about our God of possibilities from such an energizing perspective!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Truth of the Matter
Being the third in a series called The Homelanders, I wondered if I would be able to follow the story. Much to my satisfaction, I was. The author does an excellent job of preparing readers to jump into this book having read or not read any of the others. Klavan is an excellent story teller and develops his characters extremely well. This book would appeal especially to teenage boys because of the action and suspense that goes into the story.
The story is about a young man in his late teens who has lost his memory of the past year. He is searching for a man who can help him to remember. He knows that he was sent to prison for the murder of his best friend, that he escaped from prison and became a member of a terrorist group, but he cannot help feeling that he is not that kind of person. He finds the man who can clear things up for him but is unsure if he is a friend or enemy. Throughout his confusion, he depends on the Lord to get him through.
The applicablilty to today's world and the weaving of faith in God into the story made this a wonderful read in my opinion. I won't spoil the story for you by telling you how it ends. I can assure you if you pick this book up and start reading, you will have a difficult time putting it down again for several hours!! Loved it!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Ragamuffin Gospel
For me, this book came at a time in my life when I was doing battle against my own ideals and my own failures as a Christian. I understood that I am saved by grace but I did not fully embrace that and still felt much guilt. Ragamuffin Gospel clarified the grace of Jesus Christ for me.
I recommend it for Christians and non-Christians, anyone who has experienced broken spirit, contrite heart, and failures within. Jesus did what He did for you and me "while we were still sinners". He didn't place any requirements on being saved...we do not have to become "good enough" to be saved. It is by grace through faith alone...and this book emphasizes that fact.
A wonderful encouraging reminder.
Friday, November 12, 2010
The American Patriot's Almanac by William J. Bennett and John T.E. Cribb
Although this is laid out in the format of a devotional reading it does not have Bible readings assigned to each day. It’s focus is on readings about America. However, after reading through this book, you come away feeling as if you have peered into the way the Lord built America through many of His faithful servants in our history.
The book itself is hardbound with pages that are pleasant to the touch. The feel of the book is weighty and magnificent. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in history of America. It is perfect for teachers to use as a supplemental text and I plan to do so in my homeschool.
I have only the highest praise for this book. It is a reminder of what it means to be an American and to be proud of that fact but not in a boasting way…in a grateful way. The principles our forefathers built this nation on are what made it strong and to remind ourselves of those principles by reading this book may help us to be pushed back into that direction.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com
Monday, November 1, 2010
Bob the Builder
Saturday, October 30, 2010
A Year With God: Daily Readings and Reflections on God's Own Words by R. P. Nettelhorst
Here my mouth dropped open...the author sounds like several professors I had in college who tried to explain the Bible as a book of fairy tales, not as truth. And the author presents as FACT a statement like "rainbows predated the Flood". According to my studies before the Flood it had not rained upon the earth which was why Noah's neighbors thought him crazy for building an ark. If it had not rained, there would have been no previous rainbows.
Another example on page 22 the author is writing about Jacob and the dream the Lord gave Him of a ladder going up to heaven and angels coming up and down. The author writes, "Sleeping with a rock for a pillow, he(Jacob) had weird dreams". It is as if he is trying to excuse the dream away by saying it was because Jacob was uncomfortable that he just had this weird dream...instead of communicating the fact that this was a dream given by the Lord to Jacob.
On page 34 the author writes about Job and God questioning him. "An interesting question God asked Job was 'Do you knokw the laws that govern the heavens and can you make them rule the earth?' When God asked Job the question, Job had no answer. Today, Job would probably have answered yes, thanks to the physicist Sir Isaac Newton. Newton discovered that the laws of nature are universal. What is true in the heavens is true on the earth." To me this came across as saying we are much more educated now and could argue well with God on this point because science has made such advances!
Since the author uses the Old Testament I guess we are not to expect much about Jesus in the devotional but I feel that the Old Testament has just as much to say about Jesus, God's plan for salvation for the Jews and the Gentiles, the prophecies of the Messiah that is relevant towards understanding who Jesus is. However on page 37 (one of the few references to Jesus in the book) the author writes "The New Testament authors of the Gospels identified John the Baptist as the one calling in the wilderness to make a straight way for God. The one for whom John made a straight way for was Jesus: the Messiah and the Son of God, whom the Gospel writers and John, by the use of this passage from Isaiah, identified with Yahweh, the God of Israel." Perhaps this was just because I was already distressed with some of the other readings but the phrasing of this made it sound like ONLY the writers of the Gospels and John thought Jesus was Messiah. I would have thought this one statement about Jesus would have been made with more affirmation and verification of the truth of who He is and was.
Again on page 40 the author is writing about Isaiah 65:17 and he writes (and my stomach sinks as I read this) "We are tempted to imagine that God was talking about the eternal kingdom...Are the blessings of the passage literal, or are they figurative? A clue comes from remembering that God chose to speak in poetry. This passage expressed the hope that was to come when God finally reigned in the lives of his people."
TEMPTED to believe that the Bible is literal? Are we sinning when we believe the Bible is literal? To me that is the key point throughout this book which is so disturbing. I am not sure of course because I do not know the author but from reading this writing of his I think he does not believe the Bible is the literal word of God and he uses his devotionals to promote that fact.
The cover of the book has this phrase on it "Make His Thoughts Your Thoughts". From my own experience and my studies in the Word of God, my thoughts will NEVER be His thoughts because His thoughts are higher than my thoughts and His ways higher than my ways.
To me the book smacked of false teaching. The only thing I did like was the cover design artwork. I will not be giving this book away or even putting it in the church library or any other library. It will be thrown into the trash.
Hard for me to write a review like this but I do not feel that I could write anything less and be true to the Lord God that I serve.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Really Woolly Bible Stories
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com <http://BookSneeze.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/16cfr255_03.html> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Your Money God's Way by Aime Streater
Another book about Christian stewardship? This was my first thought. I am glad I decided to read it anyway. Having been through the pit of bad financial choices once in life, I can tell you that living within your means is a wonderful, peaceful, happy way of life! I wish I had read this book 30 years ago. Perhaps I would not have been through all I went through financially.
The subtitle of the book is Oversoming the 7 Money Myths that Keep Christians Broke. The writer covers these myths very clearly in everyday terms that anyone can understand. You do not have to be a genius to read and implement the principles in this book. It is simple to understand.
I liked the fact that she uses stories to illustrate her points and that she brings the Bible, the foremost authority on every issue in life, into each chapter. At the end of each chapter she reviews with short summary sentences (something you can type up and put on your refrigerator or at your desk to remind you of what you have learned). She also has Solution Steps at the end of each chapter...things you can do to help better your financial situation now. And they are not just money related steps...she includes thinking questions, writing questions, Bible study questions.
Her story of a lady who did not have the money but bought an expensive refrigerator and then came to the church to get help for her bills was priceless. "But God told me to buy it, " she said. How often have we as Christians used that expression lightly and carelessly to justify our own decisions poorly made. The writer again goes to the Bible for the answer. Proverbs10:22 says "The blessings of the Lord have no sorrow attached." That one verse memorized would save people much sorrow when they are trying to make a financial decision.
I loved this book and plan on using it as a resource in homeschooling as well as presenting it to my own church as a small group study. I highly recommend this book.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Jungle Warfare: A Basic Field Manual for Christians in Sales
By Christopher Cunningham
This book is a great devotional book not just for those in the military or those in sales, but anyone who wants to really do their best for the Lord in the field they are in.
It is laid out in 22 daily devotions of 3-5 pages each…very manageable for those with time constraints. Each chapter includes a section from an authentic field manual of the Army on jungle warfare. The writer then begins to compare the Christian life to the life of a soldier and in particular the battlefield that people who are in sales must “fight” on each day. He ends with a prayer written for that day’s topic and several questions (with room to journal your answers) to help you apply the devotion to your life. I loved this book because it was interesting and it presented the battle we face as Christians in a realistic light by contrasting and comparing it with actual soldiers. It has a very patriotic feel to it as well and I think it would make an excellent gift for those in the Army or in sales!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Monday, August 16, 2010
What in the World is Going On? by Dr. David Jeremiah
by Dr. David Jeremiah
Having heard Dr. Jeremiah on the radio I was eager to read his book on the subject of the signs of the end times, or the signs that lead to the Biblical prophecy fulfillment of Christ's Second Coming. I found this book to be very eye-opening. Dr. Jeremiah combines his knowledge of the Bible and the prophecies of the Bible with his knowledge of history and current events to make a very understandable read explaining the events of today when looked at through the scope of Biblical prophecy. This book inspired me to pray for our country and its leaders and made me want to increase my understanding of events happening in the world. It broadened my view of life. Parts of this book were, I admit, frightening to read about. However, Dr. Jeremiah consistently holds out the hope of Jesus Christ and explains the Rapture and how Christians will not have to go through the Great Tribulation (except for those who come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ AFTER the Rapture). He explains without apology the effect that tolerance has had on our country. He includes excerpts written by historical figures as well as current day figures, including Islamic men. This book has made me realize that we are closer than ever to the Great Tribulation and that the events going on in the Middle East are clearly fulfilling the Biblical prophecies. Now is the time to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone you know. Now is the time to be diligent in study and prayer. Now is the time to be salt and light to the world.
Dr. Jeremiah writes with wisdom, grace, love and intelligence. If you are interested in the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, or just in seeing how the events of this world have been prophecied many, many years ago in the Bible and are now being fulfilled, then you will be glad you read this book.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Forgotten God by Frances Chan
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Book Review : Beyond Opinion (Living the Faith We Defend) by Ravi Zacharias
There are chapters on Postmodernity, Islam, atheism, Eastern religion, science and other topics. The writers are clear in their statements. The vocabulary is advanced to a certain extent so a dictionary was necessary for me for a couple of the chapters since I am new to apologetics and the terms used in that study. I think my favorite chapter was addressing the challenges that our young people who are Christians face today as they attend public school and colleges. It stresses the importance of teaching our young people apologetics for their faith so that they can avoid the hazards of falling away from their faith simply because of oppression and not having been trained in how to defend it. We spend much time training our children to get good grades or to learn to play a sport well...should we not spend equal or more time teaching them how to hold onto their faith? Yes, we should.
I am very happy to have found this book. It will be an excellent resource for our apologetics course next year. It is easily studied and has helped me to grow already in defending my own faith as an adult. Sometimes the person that we are defending our faith to is ourselves...
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com
Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Do Hard Things can be a book that will change the face of the earth if our youth (and our adults) read and soak in the principles and ideas found within its pages. To date, this book is the best book for challenging young people not just to "be better people". That is a try, fail, try, fail, give up system. It challenges young people to "do hard things" for a purpose, for a reason and with a strength and power that is beyond themselves. The focus is not on making a name for yourself because you were able to achieve something great...it is on glorifying the Lord in that He was able to use you because you said, "Okay, Lord. I believe in Your power to accomplish all things even through me and my limitations. Here I am. Use me."
I originally purchased this book for my son's homeschooling reading for next year and I read a little in it last week and could not wait until September to give it to him. He read the first chapter in a night and is so excited. He has already felt led to do two things that are "hard things" and has started and seen his own failures...and the Lord's own successes! This book is filled with Scripture which supports the authors' ideas and filled with examples of other teenagers who have been able to do things beyond the expectations of our society. In today's world teens are often "guilty, until proven innocent". These authors (who are brothers, teens and homeschooled)give hope and show it does not have to be that way.
I would give this a rating of 20 on a scale of 1-10 because of the enormous potential for changing lives, changing the world, and bringing people to understand the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Absolutely a keeper. Should be in every church library.
The website the writers have established has so much more to offer as well in the way of support, including a free study guide for youth leaders, parents, teachers, to use with the book. I am thankful for these teenagers who allowed the Lord to use them to start the Rebelution.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
What a Wonderful Fourth!!
The music was awesome! We had a wonderful soloist sing The Star SPangled Banner, Ashley Buchanan. She has a beautiful voice!
For supper we enjoyed a cookout with Sally and her family and some friends. Lots of fun! I am tired but happy.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Written on the Wind by Judith Pella
I loved all the characters and the fact that the setting was in the 1940s during the war and involved journalists made it all the more wonderful for me since I love writing myself and enjoyed reading about journalists during that time period and the censorship they had to endure. I could not find any fault with this book and plan on searching for the sequel so I can feed my need to know what happens to Cameron, Alex and Johnny, Blair, Jackie, their father and mother. I need to know!!
The Book
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Venom and Song by Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper

This is Book Two of The Berinfell Prophecies. I have not read book one but felt like I was able to glean enough from the first few chapters of the book to not feel lost. It is a fantasy/adventure story of seven teenagers who are thrust into a world filled with supernatural creatures and told that they are the leaders of that world.
The book was frightening, gory and violent with many scenes of wars and battles depicted. The action was fast-paced and the story line moved quickly. For my own tastes it was a bit dark and depressing. The story is not overtly Christian and requires some effort and thought to make it such. There is a classic good vs. evil theme and an overall theme of the value of teamwork. The story was well-written and exciting, however I would not recommend it to younger children due to the violence.
It is always better to read a series of books from the beginning to really be able to follow the tale the authors weave.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com
To view more info on this book click on this link.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Bits and Pieces
Found several bulldozer cake ideas for Eli's birthday party but not sure I can really pull off making any of them. Maybe I will just find someone who makes cakes for a living and order one! LOL!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
“A Guy’s Guide to Life: How to become a man in 224 pages or less” by Jason Boyett
This book is targeted to teenage boys and is crammed with humorous, sound and godly advice to prepare today's boys for manhood. Using a three-fold approach, Boyett covers the mind, body and spirit. With chapters on communication, sex, grooming, faith, exercise, family, friends and being a gentleman, there is sure to be an area of interest to any boy who picks up this book!
The book was fast-paced and easy to read, great for teenage boys who may not even like to read. Boyett uses modern-day language, straight talk and humor to capture your attention. I liked the sidebars in the book. They are quick little bites of info that sum up the important messages in that chapter. His style of writing is perfect for today's teens. The Biblical basis for the content of the book is presented in a down-to-earth tone, not preachy in the least. It would appeal to both Christians and non-Christians. I loved the book and plan on using it in my homeschool curriculum next year for my own son's reading program!!
Link to Thomas Nelson's product page:
To preview this book:
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com <http://BookSneeze.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/16cfr255_03.html> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."